Category: Life

  • Government can be a pain

  • Curling Rocks

    I’ve really enjoyed Olympic Curling this year. I can’t wait until the 2014 Winter Olympics. Go Curling!

  • Winter Preparation

    I’m sorting through all our winter gear so we can pack it up for the big Canada trip. Its only 5 days away and we need to be ready for 21 degree highs.

  • Lots of driving

    I’ve drove over 400 miles over the past 3 days. I’m looking forward to a regular schedule the rest of the week.

  • Lamp Post

    The worst cast scenario for the new lamp post is it running from 5pm to 7am whitch is 14 hours. Based on my current power generation numbers, a 60 watt bulb costs me $1.25 to run for 14 hours. I switched to an outdoor 13 watt CFL bulb today and now it costs me $0.27…