Category: Life

  • 2022

    Make it a good one!

  • Still Here

    I’ve been bad about blogging these past 4 years but I’m still here. Moved houses, got a new car and traveled to many countries. Maybe I’ll get back into things. Here’s a photo from earlier today.

  • PHEV

    Picking up my new car tomorrow. I’ll post some pictures when I get some time. Suck it climate change deniers.   Khaaaaaan

  • Happy 2014!

    Here’s to a new year hopefully filled with great homebrew and great BBQ. More to come soon.

  • Hurricane Grilling

    Hurricane Irene blew through yesterday and this morning. Thankfully we are West enough and high enough to not have any significant issues. We definitely got our share of rain and wind. All of the bridges and a lot of the roads that lead to our house are flooded out. It could take days for the…